PMESII-PT is a tool that stands for Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, Infrastructure, Physical Environment, and Time. It was developed by the army of the United States to structure large amounts of information and formulate a robust strategy.
Main Benefits of PMESII-PT
PMESII-PT helps you:
- Understand the environment you newly entered
- Organize a large amount of information in foreign markets
- Add more angles to your strategic planning process
Explanation of PMESII-PT
Generated in the US military, PMESII-PT gained popularity in the business world due to its examination and assessment of the external environment. Building upon eight connected pillars: Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, Infrastructure, Physical Environment, and Time, this tool grants a holistic view of the strategic planning process.
Political Variable
Given the operational environment, how is the power distribution amongst the levels of governance? Examine the international relations, strength of the current government, influential political groups, political parties, and charismatic leaders.
Military Variable
Describe the composition of all relevant military and paramilitary forces. Are they enemies, friendly or neutral? How the local population is used in the operations, and what other military functions exist in the operational environment.
Economic Variable
Analyze the individual and group behaviors of actors related to consuming, producing, and distributing resources. Economic development of governments ranges across countries, similar to the markets. Each market is specific in international trade, financial management, and the rule of law.
Social Variable
Investigate the society in the operational environment. What are the religious, cultural, and ethnic factors in the community? Which NGOs IGOs are influential across the society?
Information Variable
Define the influence channels such as human and digital. What is the nature and scope of the individuals and organizations that disseminate the information? Capabilities such as literacy rate, access to public media, and consumers to assess the information are essential for this variable.
Infrastructure Variable
What are the operational environment’s communication systems, water, electricity, transportation, and education systems? Analyze the construction companies, developers, and similar facilities. Knowing the existing structure gives an advantage for R&D and IT facilities.
Physical Environment Variable
Look for all geographic and artificial structures within the scope. Climate and weather, geography, and all physical factors are essential to be prepared for unexpected situations.
Time Variable
Know the importance of timing. Every factor above is related to the time, speed of operations, and durations. The time variable is essential for knowing the endurance of the long-term processes.
How to Apply PMESII-PT?
In all our previous articles, we defined the steps to apply the models. For PMESII-PT, we will leave you with the explanation of the model. Use your experience and creativity to adapt this model to your market.
Additional Tips and Readings
As alternative models for the PMESII-PT, you can also read:
- SOAR Analysis to analyze your company and build a concrete a strategic plan,
- TOWS Analysis to build concrete strategies using your SWOT analysis,
- PESTEL Analysis to identify opportunities and threats,
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